Friday, October 23, 2009

Laugh Out Loud! - 10 weeks today.

Griffyn laughed on Tuesday. I was putting his sleeper on for bed and must have rubbed under his arms the right way and he started chuckling. I love baby laughs, they are priceless. He is becoming quite the little ham.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Nearly 10 weeks old!

Here are a few of Griffyn we took the other night. He is doing really well. He is 10 weeks old on Friday.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nearly 9 weeks old.

Here are a few photos of Griffyn I took last night. He looks so much like his Daddy in the photo with the teddy bear.

He is making more baby sounds now and smiling a lot more. When he wakes up his doesn't cry, he clears his throat like a little old man, "someone please pick me up and feed me".

Friday, October 9, 2009

8 Week Check-Up.

Griffyn was a whopping 12 1/2 lbs today! He is getting so big. Sniff.

I thought he had a bit of thrush in his mouth, but the Dr. doesn't seem to think so. She said it looks like a milk build up, it's only on his tongue. We did get a prescription in case I need it in the future.

I guess I better make an appointment for his 2 month shots, I have been putting it off, not looking forward to visiting the health unit with a new baby and all the viruses going around.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

8 weeks old tomorrow!

Griffyn is smiling a lot more, he has changed so much the last few weeks. He likes to make those cute baby sounds now.

I think he might get his first tooth soon as he is rubbing his tongue on his bottom gums. Liam had his first tooth just after a month old. They all seem to get them early around here.

If we are lucky he will go 6 hours in the night now, which is great.