Friday, December 25, 2009

Baby's first solids;

Griffyn tried some cereal tonight. He is a little earlier then his sibblings, by a few months. I thought we would give it a try because he is up a few times during the night for a bottle. He seemed to enjoy it, had no problem swallowing it.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

My baby has some teeth!

Two teeth coming in on the bottom, I noticed them yesterday.

We have put him on zantac for acid reflux, unfortunately just like his brothers. I am hoping it does the trick.

He has to go back to the doctors next month for a check up and we will see then how he is doing. He has been wheezing, coughing, burping up acid fluid and arching his back, all signs of reflux.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Nearly 4 months old.

Griffyn is doing great. He is sleeping well in the nights, I am managing to get him to bed at night now by 10:30. He is a pretty happy baby, he smiles when he goes to sleep and when he wakes up. He is getting to know now if he fusses and cries someone will pick him up. I have learned to enjoy this because once they are mobile they do not want you as much. No stats to report, we aren't going to the doctors until next month. He can no longer wear his 3 month size sleepers.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Laugh Out Loud! - 10 weeks today.

Griffyn laughed on Tuesday. I was putting his sleeper on for bed and must have rubbed under his arms the right way and he started chuckling. I love baby laughs, they are priceless. He is becoming quite the little ham.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Nearly 10 weeks old!

Here are a few of Griffyn we took the other night. He is doing really well. He is 10 weeks old on Friday.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nearly 9 weeks old.

Here are a few photos of Griffyn I took last night. He looks so much like his Daddy in the photo with the teddy bear.

He is making more baby sounds now and smiling a lot more. When he wakes up his doesn't cry, he clears his throat like a little old man, "someone please pick me up and feed me".

Friday, October 9, 2009

8 Week Check-Up.

Griffyn was a whopping 12 1/2 lbs today! He is getting so big. Sniff.

I thought he had a bit of thrush in his mouth, but the Dr. doesn't seem to think so. She said it looks like a milk build up, it's only on his tongue. We did get a prescription in case I need it in the future.

I guess I better make an appointment for his 2 month shots, I have been putting it off, not looking forward to visiting the health unit with a new baby and all the viruses going around.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

8 weeks old tomorrow!

Griffyn is smiling a lot more, he has changed so much the last few weeks. He likes to make those cute baby sounds now.

I think he might get his first tooth soon as he is rubbing his tongue on his bottom gums. Liam had his first tooth just after a month old. They all seem to get them early around here.

If we are lucky he will go 6 hours in the night now, which is great.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

6 weeks old.

Little Griffyn was 6 weeks old on Friday. He is doing awesome in the nights, (touch wood), he is going 6-7 hours at a time. :D

I try really hard to keep him awake a few hours after dinner. He is starting to give us very little smiles.

My recovery has been great, my incision healed up awesome. We are still very tired, but things should get better once I get my iron sorted out.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Diaper Baby!

Look what Christopher put on Griffyn's head. Yes, a diaper, he told me his new name was now Diaperhead Baby.

5 weeks old/September 18th

Griffyn was 5 weeks old on Ellie's birthday. He had his first doctor's appointment on the 17th with our family doctor, his weight was 10 lbs 2 oz, and his length is up 2 inches to 22. He had his first cold, luckily it only lasted a few days.

Welcome Baby Griffyn, September 9/09

Our family had a nice little get together to celebrate the birth of Griffyn. We had a great visit and some yummy cake. Griffyn got a whack of clothes which was so appreciated, I hadn't had any saved from Christopher.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mini Me or Humpty Dumty?

I took Griffyn for some passport photos today. It's quite hard to get a passport photo of a newborn. This isn't a very good photo of him, he looks huge in this photo. Hoping the government will "accept" this one, I do not want to take him back for retakes.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

Having a little nap :)

It seems like our baby Griffyn has always been with us. He is sure growing, I can not wait to see what he weighs next week. I think he is growing at a steady pace. He is definitely more alert now.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

3 Weeks Old.

He was such a good boy last night, he did awesome, I had him in bed at 11:30 and he woke up at 6:30 this morning. Way to go baby!!!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

3 Weeks Old Tomorrow!

I can't believe Griffyn will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. Time sure flies. We would do better in the night if we didn't fall asleep during feedings. Last night up at 2:30, fell asleep and didn't get back to bed until 4, then up again at 6, then Christopher and Ellie up at 7!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September 1st /09

Baby Grifynn was circumcised yesterday by a Jewish physician. It went really well, but it wore him out. He had a heck of a time with gas last night, I didn't get him settled until 1:30 a.m. but he slept in until 6:45 a.m. I took him shopping yesterday to buy a few clothes, there really wasn't much for little boys. We need to go across the line to the factory outlets to get him some nice outfits from Carters and Osh Kosh. I am hoping once everyone is settled in school.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

2 Weeks Old!

Griffyn is two weeks old today.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Lots of Attention:

Griffyn is a lucky boy to have so many sibblings, there is always someone wanting to hold him. Rhys has been awesome with him, he asks to feed him, hold him, burp him and yesterday he was taking notes on how to change a diaper.

Miss Ellie thinks he is a little doll and wants to hold and play with him, but she doesn't understand how fragile he is yet.

A good night!

Little Griffyn slept from 12 o'clock last night until 6 this morning. It was probably a one time thing, but it did make me happy to have a little more sleep last night.

Monday, August 24, 2009

One Week Old, August 21, 2009


Like most newborns Griffyn is sleeping a lot. He has only had one fussy moment, where he had a little problem with wind. He has been going 4 hour stretches in the nights.

August 19, 2009 First Doctors Appointment

Today was Griffyn's first doctor's appointment, he was back up to his birth weight of 7.5 lbs. We didn't get to see Dr. Stephany he was on holidays, but Dr. Allen was very nice. He is very pro-family. :D There were no concerns and he said to bring him back in about a month.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Hospital Stay.

Griffyn was born on Friday and we went home Monday morning. Our stay was very short and sweet. Nana, Papa, Aunty Amy, Aunty Lyndsey, Kurt, Lilian, and all the boys came down to visit. :D Aunty Amy stayed the 2nd night to help us out as I still couldn't get out of bed. She was the first one Griffyn had peed on. It's always a surprise when you change a newborn boy's diaper!

Waiting for my first car ride home.

My Sibblings

Brother #1, Liam 13 years old.

Brother #2, Rhys 10 years old.

Big Brother #3, Cai, 7 years old.

Big Brother #4, Christopher, 4 years old.

Big Sister Ellie, 3 years old next month.

Birth Day! August 14, 2009.

Baby Griffyn Cole was born on August 14, 2009, weighing 7lbs5oz, time 16:46.

Proud Daddy!

Waiting for my c-section, it was disappointing that I couldn't be awake for Griffyn's birth, the spinal just didn't work out this time.