Wednesday, January 20, 2010

5 months old, already!

On January 6th I was 17 lbs 12 oz, 67.3 cm's long and my head measured 44.3 cm's. I am sure growing. I have more then doubled in size since my birth.

I am a happy baby who likes to babble and laugh. I can roll over half way and hold small objects. I have two beautiful teeth in the bottom of my mouth. I am eating my cereal before bed and am sleeping a lot better in the nights since I started Zantac and moving to a bigger bed. My Mum still rocks me to sleep every night.

I can make my family smile even when things get hairy and busy.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Baby's first solids;

Griffyn tried some cereal tonight. He is a little earlier then his sibblings, by a few months. I thought we would give it a try because he is up a few times during the night for a bottle. He seemed to enjoy it, had no problem swallowing it.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

My baby has some teeth!

Two teeth coming in on the bottom, I noticed them yesterday.

We have put him on zantac for acid reflux, unfortunately just like his brothers. I am hoping it does the trick.

He has to go back to the doctors next month for a check up and we will see then how he is doing. He has been wheezing, coughing, burping up acid fluid and arching his back, all signs of reflux.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Nearly 4 months old.

Griffyn is doing great. He is sleeping well in the nights, I am managing to get him to bed at night now by 10:30. He is a pretty happy baby, he smiles when he goes to sleep and when he wakes up. He is getting to know now if he fusses and cries someone will pick him up. I have learned to enjoy this because once they are mobile they do not want you as much. No stats to report, we aren't going to the doctors until next month. He can no longer wear his 3 month size sleepers.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Laugh Out Loud! - 10 weeks today.

Griffyn laughed on Tuesday. I was putting his sleeper on for bed and must have rubbed under his arms the right way and he started chuckling. I love baby laughs, they are priceless. He is becoming quite the little ham.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Nearly 10 weeks old!

Here are a few of Griffyn we took the other night. He is doing really well. He is 10 weeks old on Friday.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nearly 9 weeks old.

Here are a few photos of Griffyn I took last night. He looks so much like his Daddy in the photo with the teddy bear.

He is making more baby sounds now and smiling a lot more. When he wakes up his doesn't cry, he clears his throat like a little old man, "someone please pick me up and feed me".